Use case
George Miloradovich
Researcher, Copywriter & Usecase Interviewer
September 13, 2024
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September 13, 2024
min read

How to Automatically Collect 4.25x More Valid Emails from LinkedIn for Targeted Outreach

George Miloradovich
Researcher, Copywriter & Usecase Interviewer
Table of contents

Email outreach is one of the biggest challenges companies face in 2024. If you're dealing with new customers, investors, or other businesses, you're likely doing it over email. However, finding new contacts takes time and money, pulling you away from other important tasks. You’ve got two options: hire more staff or automate the process. Spoiler alert: automation’s the way to go. 

It saves time, helps gather a lot of reliable emails, and speeds up your operations. All these benefits are available through the Latenode automation platform. This reading explores it, shows how to scrape emails from LinkedIn profiles with a script from Spyro, a heavy user of Latenode. It also offers research insights on automation adoption in email marketing and networking. 

Key takeaways: Latenode’s automation scenario reduces the cost of collecting LinkedIn emails by 80% and boosts the number of collected emails by 4.25x. It offers a high accuracy rate of 95% while cutting time spent collecting contacts from 15 to 2 hours per week. This usecase showcases how businesses can use Latenode to streamline outreach and speed up their operations.

Learn how this LinkedIn scraper helps find valid emails for outreach

What is Latenode, Specifically?

Latenode is a low-code service offering a visual editor to add scenario triggers, action blocks, and nodes interacting with apps. These include CRM systems, tools like Google Sheets, social media platforms like LinkedIn, and hundreds more. It also has HTTP request blocks capable of connecting to API systems. They let you automate interactions with the apps that are not in the library.

The service offers a block for Javascript code integration. It can help you customize scenarios even further. You don’t need to code to use this block — an AI assistant can generate a code snippet based on your prompts. It can also describe, debug, and customize it if needed. The usecase below shows how some of these features have been used in practice.

Collecting Emails from LinkedIn Profiles for Targeted Outreach Campaigns

This section captures the entire automation process, from finding and validating profiles and email contacts and uploading them into your database. You’ll need your CRM system, Clay, Hunter, and a lot of HTTP request blocks to run this workflow.

Tools Used in This Scenario

  1. Clay 

Clay is a data enrichment tool that focuses on LinkedIn profiles. It automates the process of gathering data, adding valuable context for more targeted outreach campaigns. For example, you can get contact data and add it to your CRM system. Clay offers free and paid plans, with premium features starting at $134 per month.

  1. can help find and verify email addresses tied to specific domains or individuals. It's handy for sales, marketing, and networking. Key features include domain search, email verifier, and email finder, which makes it easy to find and validate contact details. The service is free, but it also has paid plans, with pricing based on how many searches and verifications you need

Steps of Operation

  1. Start the workflow by sourcing LinkedIn profiles using Clay 

During this step, the system sends an HTTP request to interact with Clay. First, he scenario automatically finds and gathers profiles that match specific criteria you set, such as job titles, industries, and locations. This saves you time and effort in manually searching for potential contacts or leads.

After finding these profiles, the service adds extra information to the found profiles. This includes details about the person's company, their exact job title, and ways to contact them. With this additional data, you can create more focused outreach campaigns. Once all this information is collected and organized, it's ready for you to use in the next steps of your scenario.

  1. Extract emails and other information

The scenario looks at LinkedIn profiles Clay has just scraped and sends requests to their URLs using nodes like Get Profile Data by URL. The system collects important information such as people's names, job titles, and email addresses. To keep your account safe and avoid problems, it also includes checks to make sure it follows LinkedIn's rules about how its website can be used. 

Notably, all Linkedin Data Scraper blocks are paid for. You’ll have to pay 11 credits ($0.02) per request to use them.

  1. Email verification with email verifier in practice. The image is taken from the product’s web page.

Then, the scenario sends another HTTP request to interact with the API system and validate each address. With this node, the scenario examines each email to ensure it can receive messages. By using, you can remove any incorrect or unusable contacts, which helps manage a targeted outreach campaign.

  1. Integrate your CRM or email marketing tool with Latenode

With the help of another request block, the workflow sends an API request to your CRM. This automatic connection keeps it up-to-date with the newest and most accurate contact details. Your team can spend more time dealing with potential customers instead of manually moving data around or updating information.

Slay your time costs on scraping valid emails from Linkedin by 87%

Using this automation scenario, you can make your outreach campaigns work much better and more accurately. This workflow helps build a thorough contact list while following LinkedIn privacy rules and the guidelines of this social network. All LinkedIn blocks have been added to the Latenode library after deliberate discussions with their team, so feel free to scrape data with them. 

"I'd say that the main advantage of this scenario is its scalability, thanks to Latenode, significant time savings for companies, and improved data quality. Furthermore, it allows businesses to tailor their outreach based on collected profile data or user actions. They can filter info and make better decisions when it comes to outreach," Spyro shared.

At the same time, automations like this one are widely used by many companies worldwide. Check out Latenode research insights to get a grasp of the big picture of automation adoption in email marketing & networking.

State of Automation in Email Marketing and Networking

Email continues to be a foundational tool for digital marketing and networking, and automation is playing a growing role in improving efficiency and results. Recent surveys of over 200 marketing professionals and data from campaigns have provided valuable insights into how automation impacts email address collection and targeted outreach.

Current State and Effectiveness of Automation in Email Strategies

Automation has changed email marketing. According to a 2023 survey, 62% of marketers are now using automation tools specifically for email collection and outreach, a significant jump from 53% in the previous year​ (Ascend2), ​(Insightly). On average, automated processes collect contacts 5x faster than manual efforts.

Table 1: Manual vs. Automated Email Collection

Method Contacts/Hour Quality Score (1-10)
Manual 20 7.5
Automated 100 8.2

These results are not just about speed. The quality of contacts has improved, with automated systems yielding a higher score for contact relevance (8.2 out of 10). Companies that adopted automation reported a 35% increase in their email database size within the first six months​ of 2023 (Insightly).

Moreover, CRM integration has become a standard practice, with 82% of businesses linking their automation tools to their CRM systems. This has improved lead qualification processes by 28%​ (Ascend2). Additionally, automated email campaigns have seen significant boosts in key performance indicators such as:

  • Open rates: increased from 20.9% to 25.7%.
  • Click-through rates: jumped from 2.6% to 3.8%.
  • Conversion rates: grew from 1.2% to 1.9%​ (FormRush).

Benefits and Challenges of Automation in Email Strategies

One of the most notable advantages of automation is personalization. Data shows that personalized email campaigns see a 41% increase in click-through rates compared to generic campaigns​ (Insightly). Advanced systems can now tailor content based on behavior, preferences, and past interactions, making automation essential for targeting.

Another key benefit is timing optimization. Automated tools that use AI to determine the best times to send emails have led to a 23% increase in open rates​ (Ascend2). Automation also enables sophisticated audience segmentation, allowing for micro-segmentation based on multiple factors. Segmented campaigns see a 39% higher open rate compared to non-segmented campaigns.

Table 2: Impact of Automation on Email Metrics

Metric Before Automation After Automation Improvement
Open Rate 20.9% 25.7% +23%
Rate (CTR)
2.6% 3.8% +46%
1.2% 1.9% +58%

However, challenges remain. Ensuring compliance with regulations like GDPR and CAN-SPAM is a top concern, with 72% of marketers reporting that navigating these laws is their biggest challenge​ (Insightly). Email deliverability is another issue, as filters are becoming better at flagging automated emails. 

Marketers need to balance the convenience of automation with the personal touch that customers expect, with 68% of consumers stating they would disengage from brands if communications feel too automated​ (FormRush).

Trends and Prospects in Email Marketing and Networking Automation

AI continues to reshape email strategies. Predictive analytics tools can now forecast recipient behavior with up to 85% accuracy, enabling highly targeted and effective campaigns​ (Insightly). Multi-channel automation is also becoming more prevalent, with 59% of marketers reporting improved results by integrating email with other channels like social media​ (Ascend2).

Hyper-personalization, powered by data analysis, is rapidly growing. AI-driven systems can create detailed micro-segments and optimize email content dynamically. This trend has led to engagement rates increasing by up to 50% for companies leveraging these technologies​ (FormRush).

Final Insights and Future Outlook of Email Automation

Automation has revolutionized email marketing and networking, making it more personalized, and effective. The integration of AI and machine learning into automation tools will likely drive even greater improvements in the future. However, marketers must continue balancing automation with compliance and customer expectations to maintain the human touch in communications. 

As companies adopt more advanced automation tools, the Latenode team expects significant growth in email marketing results, including higher engagement and improved ROI. By selecting the right tools and strategies, you can harness the full potential of automation, paving the way for more streamlined processes and better outcomes.

Get Your Own LinkedIn Email Scraper!

Latenode is a tool for building sophisticated solutions for your business, especially if you have experience in automation management. If you don’t — fill in the contact form below. Add your company details & contact data, and click the button. The team will send it to Spyro, who shared insights about this LinkedIn scraper. Soon after, you'll have the chance to get a demo and discuss how to tailor it for your needs.

Also, feel free to use Latenode yourself! Create a free account for basic functions, including unlimited blocks in one scenario, 300 executions a month, 5 active workflows at the same time, and more. Consider the subscription to access more benefits, up to unlimited active scripts, connected accounts, and 1.5M executions per month. 

The Latenode community forum is a hub for low-code enthusiasts, who share insights about their scenarios. There you can learn more about the platform, get help from developers and other users, point out bugs, get answers to FAQs, and suggest new features. If you want more private communication, no problem! The Discord community can serve you with that.


What is Latenode used for?

Latenode is a low-code automation platform that helps businesses create workflows to automate tasks like collecting LinkedIn emails, integrating CRM, and more.

How much can I save with Latenode’s LinkedIn email collection automation?

You can reduce data collection costs by up to 80%, while increasing efficiency and contact accuracy.

How does Latenode integrate with LinkedIn for email scraping?

Latenode uses Clay and to collect and verify LinkedIn email addresses while staying compliant with platform rules.

Do I need coding skills to use Latenode?

No, Latenode offers a visual editor and has an AI assistant for generating code snippets, making it accessible for non-coders.

What are the key benefits of automating LinkedIn outreach with Latenode?

It saves time, improves data accuracy, reduces costs, and allows your team to focus on more strategic tasks.

Can I use Latenode for other automation tasks?

Yes, Latenode supports integration with various apps and tools for tasks beyond LinkedIn, including CRM, email marketing, and more.

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