How to Set Up Automatic Notifications for New AppSumo Deals Using LateNode


Browsing AppSumo for limited lifetime deals can be exciting. Keeping track of new arrivals, however, can be a challenge. In this post, we'll show you how to set up automatic notifications for new AppSumo deals using LateNode and a Headless Browser.

Understanding the New Arrivals Page

The new arrivals page on AppSumo dynamically loads products as you scroll. This makes it difficult to monitor manually. Hence, an automated solution is necessary.

The Challenge

Building a website monitor for dynamic content can be tricky. The page constantly updates, and you need to capture this information without manual involvement.

Setting Up LateNode for Automation

LateNode, coupled with a Headless Browser, offers a solution. By monitoring the site twice daily, you receive notifications in Discord with all relevant product details.

Process Overview

  • The Headless Browser fetches the HTML.
  • Parse product information using CSS selectors.
  • Iterate over products and check titles.
  • If a title is new, an entry is added to the database.
  • Send notifications to Discord.

This automation ensures you don’t miss any new products. In a recent run, it found 32 items, adding 18 new entries to the database.

Benefits for Businesses and Individuals

Before purchasing a SaaS product, consider if you can replicate the service with LateNode automation.

Cost Savings

Website monitoring services can be expensive, sometimes charging up to $170 a month. LateNode provides better value with its efficient automation, though it might require initial effort or cost.

Effort and Cost Considerations

Setting up automation in LateNode might need a small upfront cost. This investment, however, can lead to substantial long-term savings.

Scalable and Versatile

LateNode isn’t merely an alternative to Zapier or Make. It can replace numerous SaaS functionalities, making it an ideal option for various automation needs.


Using Late Node for monitoring AppSumo can save time and money. With a setup that provides timely notifications, you can stay ahead without breaking the bank. Consider automating with LateNode to maximize efficiency and cost-effectiveness in your business processes.

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