Radzivon Alkhovik
Low-code automation enthusiast
June 6, 2024
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June 6, 2024
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What is Data Transformation?

Radzivon Alkhovik
Low-code automation enthusiast
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Data transformation is a critical process in data management and analytics, ensuring that raw data is converted into a usable and actionable format.

The main goal of data transformation is to convert data into a format suitable for further use. This process is necessary for integrating data from various sources, enabling better analysis, and improving data quality.

Data transformation can occur at different points in the data processing pipeline:

  • In the extract, transform, load (ETL) process, transformation takes place during the middle 'transform' step.
  • With extract, load, transform (ELT), often used in cloud data warehouses, transformation happens after loading the raw data.
Key Takeaways: Data transformation is essential for integrating data from various sources, improving data quality, and enabling effective analysis for better decision-making. It involves a structured process of discovery, mapping, coding, execution, and review to convert raw data into a usable format. Implementing the right transformation techniques, overcoming challenges like costs and skills gaps, and leveraging transformed high-quality data can drive innovation, uncover opportunities, and optimize business processes.

Optimize Data Transformation on Latenode – the best automation platform for you

How is Data Transformation Used?

Data transformation is a multi-stage process necessary to convert raw data into a format suitable for further use and analysis. Since data often comes from disparate sources and systems in different formats and structures, it is crucial to follow a defined sequence of steps for successful transformation:

  • Discovery - Identifying data sources and formats that require transformation.
  • Mapping - Determining the current data structure, required transformations, and mapping fields.
  • Code Generation - Creating code to perform transformations using specialized tools.
  • Execution - Actual conversion of data into the target format using the generated code. Various transformation types may be applied: filtering, enrichment, splitting, joining, etc.
  • Review - Evaluating the transformation results for compliance with the target format.

Following these core stages ensures that data transformation is carried out systematically and efficiently, enabling data integration from various sources, improving data quality and compatibility for subsequent analysis and utilization.

How you can optimize your data transformation

Data transformation is a critical process in data management and analytics, ensuring that raw data is converted into a usable and actionable format. By using Latenode, a low-code integration platform, organizations can automate and streamline their transformed data workflows, making the process more efficient and manageable.

How Latenode Enhances Data Transformation

Latenode simplifies the data transformation process by allowing users to create workflows (called scenarios) that automate the extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) of data. This platform provides various nodes to handle different stages of data transformation.

  • Discovery and Mapping: Identify data sources and formats that require transformation. In Latenode, you can use the Webhook trigger node to initiate the workflow when new data arrives.
  • Code Generation and Execution: Create code to perform transformations using the JavaScript node in Latenode. This node allows you to write custom JavaScript to manipulate data.
  • Transformation Types: Latenode offers various action nodes to apply different types of data transformation such as filtering, enrichment, splitting, and joining. For instance, you can use the HTTP Request node to send transformed data to another service or API.
  • Review and Validation: Evaluate the transformation results for compliance with the target format. Latenode allows you to set up conditions and routes to validate data before further processing.

As an example, we will Automate the process of extracting raw data from a source, converting it into a usable format, and loading it into the target system using Latenode.

  • Webhook Node: Receives incoming raw data via an HTTP request.
  • JavaScript Node: Transforms the data by combining the first name and surname and creating a message for email.
  • HTTP Request Node: Sends the transformed data to the target system, such as an email service.
  • Webhook Response Node: Returns a response indicating the success of the scenario execution.

By leveraging Latenode, organizations can overcome the challenges associated with transformation of data, ensuring high-quality, compatible, and ready-to-use data for analysis and decision-making.

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Data Transformation Techniques

To effectively transform data and address various data quality and compatibility issues, organizations employ a range of techniques. These techniques are designed to clean, restructure, and manipulate data to meet the requirements of the target systems or applications. The choice of technique depends on the nature of the data, the transformation goals, and the specific challenges that need to be addressed. Some of the most commonly used transformed data techniques include:

  • Revising - Ensuring data supports its intended use, including normalization, cleansing, format conversion, deduplication, and validation.
  • Manipulation - Creating new values from existing ones, converting unstructured to structured data.
  • Separating - Breaking fields into separate components for granular analysis.
  • Combining/Integrating - Merging records across tables and sources.
  • Smoothing - Removing noise and outliers to identify trends.
  • Aggregation - Consolidating data from multiple sources.
  • Discretization - Converting continuous values into intervals.
  • Generalization - Transforming low-level into high-level attributes.
  • Attribute Construction - Creating new attributes from existing ones.

By leveraging these techniques, either individually or in combination, organizations can address a wide range of data transformation challenges, ensuring that data is cleansed, formatted, and structured in a manner that supports effective analysis, decision-making, and business operations.

Reasons for Data Transformation

Organizations generate and collect substantial amounts of data from multiple sources in various formats. To effectively leverage this data for analysis, decision-making, and deriving insights, it is crucial to transform the data into a unified structure. There are several key reasons why organizations need to transform their data:

  • Ensure compatibility of disparate datasets for combining and analysis.
  • Facilitate data migration by transforming source into target system format.
  • Consolidate structured and unstructured data.
  • Enhance data quality through enrichment and cleansing.
  • Obtain consistent, accessible data for analytical insights and predictions.

Transforming data allows organizations to combine disparate datasets from various sources into a coherent structure that can be effectively analyzed. By standardizing the data format and cleansing/enriching the data, companies can derive valuable analytical insights and predictions to drive strategic decision-making.

Benefits of Data Transformation

Transforming data from its raw, disparate formats into a standardized, quality-assured structure is essential for organizations to truly unlock the value of their data assets. By implementing effective data transformation processes, companies can reap numerous benefits that enhance data utilization, consistency, quality, and analytical capabilities. Some of the key advantages of data transformations include:

  • Increased data utilization through standardized formats and improved accessibility.
  • Ensuring data consistency across different sources.
  • Improved data quality necessary for business analytics.
  • Data compatibility across various applications and systems.
  • Faster access to data in standardized format.
  • More accurate analytics, forecasting and insights based on quality data.

With high-quality, integrated datasets achieved through transformation, organizations can extract maximum value from their data. This enables data-driven decision making, optimizes processes, uncovers new business opportunities, and drives innovation.

Challenges of Data Transformation

While data transformations offers numerous benefits to organizations, it is not without its challenges. Implementing effective transformation of data processes can be complex and resource-intensive, requiring careful planning and execution. Some of the key challenges associated with data transformation include:

  • High cost of implementing transformation tools and platforms.
  • Resource-intensive process, especially with on-premises data warehouses.
  • Need for highly skilled data professionals.
  • Risks of errors and inconsistencies due to improper transformations.

Organizations must be prepared to invest in the right tools, infrastructure, and personnel to ensure successful data transformation initiatives. Proper governance and quality control measures are also crucial to mitigate risks and maintain data integrity throughout the transformation process. Addressing these challenges proactively can help organizations overcome hurdles and fully realize the benefits of transformed, high-quality data.


Data transformation is an integral component of data management that enables organizations to convert raw data from disparate sources into a usable and actionable format. This process is essential for integrating data, improving data quality, and facilitating effective analysis. By automating data transformation workflows with tools like Latenode, companies can streamline and optimize this process, ensuring high-quality, compatible data ready for analysis and decision-making. Latenode's low-code platform simplifies the creation of ETL workflows, allowing users to handle various stages of data transformation  techniques for efficiently. Despite the challenges such as the need for skilled professionals, investing in proper tools and governance can help organizations fully realize the benefits of transformed data, driving innovation and uncovering new opportunities.

Optimize Data Transformation on Latenode – the best automation platform for you

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