Effortlessly Transfer Data from Google Sheets to Notion Using Latenode

Seamlessly Transfer Data from Google Sheets to Notion Using Latenode

In this quick tutorial, you will discover how to effortlessly transfer data from Google Sheets to Notion using Latenode. Let’s dive into creating a scenario that automates this process, enhancing your workflow efficiency.

Setting Up Your Latenode Scenario

To initiate this seamless transfer, the first step involves creating a new scenario on the Latenode platform. Start by naming your scenario to prevent any loss of data. Once named, save your changes.

The cornerstone of any Latenode scenario is the trigger node. This node activates the scenario when specific events occur, in our case, when a new row is added to a Google Sheet. Select Google Sheets as the required application and set up your trigger node to detect added rows. You will need to perform an authorization, allowing Latenode access to your Google account. Once authorized, fill in the necessary fields and save your setup.

Testing the Trigger Node

To ensure everything is functioning correctly, run the trigger node once. Go to your specified Google Sheet and add a new row. As soon as the changes are saved, Latenode should execute the node, showcasing the newly added row.

Adding the Action Node to Notion

Next, add an action node that will handle the data transfer to Notion. Connect this action node to the trigger node from Google Sheets. On the actions tab, choose Notion as the application and select the specific node for adding a record to a table.

Authorization is required again here to grant Latenode access to your Notion account. Select the appropriate page in Notion and confirm access. To configure the node, identify the fields in your Notion database table. Suppose your database contains two fields: 'Fruit Name' and 'Color'. Map these fields to correspond with the values in your Google Sheet row.

Mapping Data Fields

When specifying the fruit name, use the first element of the new row array, represented by zero. For the color field, select the second element of the array by changing the index to one. Save these configurations and test run the node. Upon execution, the new values should appear in your Notion table.

Expanding and Testing the Scenario

Your scenario is now set up. The trigger node will automatically execute whenever a new row is added to your Google Sheet. Expand the scenario and view its history to verify this. Add a new row to your sheet, save the changes, and observe the scenario execution. The log should confirm successful data transfer to Notion.

For rows with more than two values, modify the index in square brackets to match the required column in your Notion table. The scenario continues to execute as long as it remains active. Deactivate the scenario to halt automatic executions if necessary.

Congratulations! You have successfully automated data transfer from Google Sheets to Notion using Latenode.


This automated workflow saves time and enhances efficiency, demonstrating the power of Latenode in streamlining data management tasks. By following these straightforward steps, you can ensure timely and accurate data synchronization between Google Sheets and Notion.

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